
Remote Research Tools in London

by Ethnio. Average Reading Time: almost 2 minutes.

If you’re in London this month, the folks at The Research Thing are putting on a Meetup to discuss remote research tools sponsored by WhatUsersDo. Here’s the description and lineup:

18:30 – Doors open, and networking
19:00 – Welcome
19:05 – 20:25 – Three talks from our speakers, each followed by Q&A
20:25 – 21:00 – Networking



Think remote UX testing is worse than lab? These 5 Companies Will Change Your Mind (Peter W. Szabo from @whatusersdo) 

Five real world examples how remote UX testing is a lot better than running a lab. You will learn what and how you can test without straining your budget with a very expensive lab test… while getting a lot more value for your money. I will focus on the WhatUsersDo platform, a remote user testing tool, which enables you to capture in-the-moment natural user insights. I will show how to turn business objectives into research objectives, create test designs and launch them, then how to analyse the resulting videos.

As a bonus I will tell you a well-kept secret: the up-my-sleeve ace when it comes to stakeholder management.

Mobile research for innovation ~ the benefits of being in the moment (Ben Claxton from @nativeye) 

We know asking users what they want is a non-starter. As designers we must examine their behaviour and uncover unspoken needs. Mobile diaries is a simple way for people to record their daily activities, providing you with a window onto their world using text, photo and video. Using a couple of practical examples we’ll look at when and how to incorporate mobile research into your toolkit.

Beyond analytics – getting visual insights from real sessions (Will Leuchars from @SessionCam)

SessionCam is the most advanced session replay technology for recording customer activity on a website. Our tool enables businesses to record customer activity on a website and replay a video-like recording of the interaction that shows mouse movement, page scrolling, form-based data entry and mobile gestures in the context of the actual web page design and content for that session. In this talk we will discuss:

* Where playback and heatmapping sit in the online insight landscape

* How to get the most out of playback and heatmapping solutions

* How to use them in conjunction with A/B and multivariate testing solutions